quarta-feira, setembro 08, 2004
  surf music

citando os the auteurs em early years "never keep a good one down"

excerto do all music guide (bruce eder):

"t's almost too easy to underestimate the importance of Jan & Dean in the history of rock & roll and its evolution into rock (...) but few listeners, critics, or pop culture historians appreciate just how important they were musically during the first half of the 1960s, or how long it took them to achieve the level of craftsmanship that characterized their music as much as their high harmonies and catchy choruses"

"garage, which had been outfitted as an amateur recording studio, complete with a pair of reel-to-reel tape machines and a piano"

"becoming experienced in the studio — he'd learned how to create an echo-delay effect between the two machines (this feature would later become standard on Ampex machines, but it was a big deal in 1958) and was learning how to hear all of the subtle details that creep into multiple performances of a piece and perceive how they might fit together to best advantage"

"He would experiment with them by splicing parts of each take together, coming up with completed versions that were larger than the sum of the individual parts"

ha 2 albuns de 1964 de título drag city: um de uns tais de the dragsters e outro dos jan and dean

all music guide: "the album was mostly covers of recent car hits, and included at least half instrumentals, but at least one track, "Crazy Cobra," stands out as something special. The Dragsters were most likely produced by"

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Run from the fuzz, the cops, the heat Pass me your gloves, there’s crime and it’s never complete Until you snort it up or shoot it down You’re never gonna feel free

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