o que significa envoy?
minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador
o que significa envoy?
minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador
representative of a government who is sent on a special diplomatic mission
messenger; an agent
latim tardio inviare (estar a caminho)
short closing stanza in certain verse forms, such as the ballade or sestina, dedicating the poem to a patron or summarizing its main ideas.
concluding portion of a prose work or a play
explanatory or commendatory postscript to a poem, essay, or book
someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else
chinese envoy
the chinese envoy esteve aqui
o anúncio de morte
crime e a cidade solução
vitória vitória
quarta jornada e o académico ganhou.
académico 1 : abrantes 0
guarda redes: augusto
defesa: hélder (tiago lopes 58m), joão armando, gama, nélson
meio campo: bruno madeira, vítor lima, cajú , carlos lima
ataque: jairson (filipe cândido 74m), chicabala (paulo gomes 50m)
golo do académico: joão armando (74m)
"jogada de envolvimento com remate de bruno madeira para defesa para canto; na sequência do canto, confusão na área e joão armando a empurrar de cabeça ao 2º poste"
árbitro: hugo miguel (lisboa)
amarelos: nélson (28m), carlos lima (58m), paulo gomes (61m). 4 jogadores do abrantes
cajú estreou-se a titular (jogou a número 10 na organização do ataque)
dupla de ataque titular mantém-se: chicabala e jairson (ambos substituídos)
já há equipa.
ganhamos para a taça contra o portomosense em casa, por 2 a 0 após prolongamento
na próxima eliminatória jogamos em casa contra o covilhã
académico sem ganhar
terceira jornada e o académico continua sem ganhar. perdemos em fátima aos 94 minutos
guarda redes: josé carlos
defesa: hélder, joão armando, gama, nélson
meio campo: bruno madeira (filipe cândido 80m), vítor lima, álvaro (paulo gomes 63m), carlos lima
ataque: jairson (lopes 70m), chicabala
golo do fátima: pimenta (94m)
árbitro: joão capela (lisboa)
amarelos: gama (10m); jairson (19m); nélson (60m); paulo gomes (73m). 2 jogadores do fátima
álvaro estreou-se a titular (saiu carlos alberto); substituído por paulo gomes
jairson em vez de filipe cândido
lopes voltou a entrar (desta vez mais cedo: 70m)
filipe cândido reforçou ataque aos 80 minutos
resta-nos continuar a apoiar
volto daqui a 2 semanas
o manhattan transfer e os yo la tengo
john dos passos descreveu personagens que tentam fazer parte da modernidade.
são várias vozes que funcionam através da cidade.
as personagens não são importantes; os transportes são importantes.
os manhattan transfer são 4 vozes que, segundo o allmusicguide, funcionam entre si
(eu imagino os manhattan transfer - vi 15 segundos de um concerto na tv)
o estilo dos yo la tengo "and then nothing turned itself inside-out" lembrou-me o(s?) manhattan transfer;
as vozes doo-wop e as personagens insignificantes.
as vozes por si e em acorde.
as reuniões da tupperware, bordando o manto terrestre e a música paranoids.
força académico
contratámos mais um jogador.
jorginho (avançado/extremo direito, 29 anos).
jogou na 1ª divisão no campomaiorense e na académica de coimbra (rescindiu o contrato a meio da época)
vamos jogar a fátima...
o fátima ganhou 3-1 na 1ª jornada ao oliveira do hospital em casa;
empatou na covilhã (que não anda muito melhor que nós).
no hit wonder
o vh1 dá uma série porreira: "one hit wonders".
os len tiveram uma carreira invejável:
"steal my sunshine" (99)
neil young veio de toronto
bran van 3000:
"drinking in l a"
leonard cohen veio de montreal
a igreja da geografia do som
surf music
citando os the auteurs em early years "never keep a good one down"
excerto do all music guide (bruce eder):
"t's almost too easy to underestimate the importance of Jan & Dean in the history of rock & roll and its evolution into rock (...) but few listeners, critics, or pop culture historians appreciate just how important they were musically during the first half of the 1960s, or how long it took them to achieve the level of craftsmanship that characterized their music as much as their high harmonies and catchy choruses"
"garage, which had been outfitted as an amateur recording studio, complete with a pair of reel-to-reel tape machines and a piano"
"becoming experienced in the studio — he'd learned how to create an echo-delay effect between the two machines (this feature would later become standard on Ampex machines, but it was a big deal in 1958) and was learning how to hear all of the subtle details that creep into multiple performances of a piece and perceive how they might fit together to best advantage"
"He would experiment with them by splicing parts of each take together, coming up with completed versions that were larger than the sum of the individual parts"
ha 2 albuns de 1964 de título drag city: um de uns tais de the dragsters e outro dos jan and dean
all music guide: "the album was mostly covers of recent car hits, and included at least half instrumentals, but at least one track, "Crazy Cobra," stands out as something special. The Dragsters were most likely produced by"
sobretudo records em construção (link)
sobretudo records (a editora) está a organizar
slipshod. louder solex
The straps kept slipping off my shoulder, kept on slipping in a slipshod style. "Look Jimmy look, lookat it look, shoot!, ...I mistook you for someone I knew for some time, 'cause he also took his drinkswith lime. Look Jimmy look, look at it look! Look,yes we took a quick snifter before the party, ...fixedthem in a slapdash way for me." So slaphappy. Wewere so slaphappy. So slaphappy.
1. A pear-shaped goblet with a narrow top, used especially in serving brandy.
2. Slang; A small portion of liquor.
1. Indifferent to correctness, accuracy, or neatness;
careless, messy, slapdash, sloppy, slovenly, untidy.
2. Marked by an absence of cleanliness and order;
disheveled, messy, mussy, sloppy, slovenly, unkempt, untidy.
1. A distinctive way of expressing oneself:
fashion, manner, mode, tone, vein.
2. The approach used to do something:
fashion, manner, method, mode, modus operandi, system, way.
3. Behavior through which one reveals one's personality:
address, air, bearing, demeanor, manner, mien, presence.
Archaic port.
4. The current custom:
craze, fad, fashion, furor, mode, rage, trend, vogue.
Informal thing.
5. Idioms: the in thing, the last word, the latest thing.
6. The word or words by which one is called and identified:
appellation, appellative, cognomen, denomination, designation, epithet, name, nickname, tag, title.
Slang handle, moniker.
1. To give a name or title to:
baptize, call, christen, denominate, designate, dub, entitle, name, term, title.
2. To describe with a word or term:
call, characterize, designate, label, name, tag, term.
1. A long narrow strip of pliant material such as leather. Such a strip equipped with a buckle or similar fastener for binding or securing objects.
2. A thin flat metal or plastic band used for fastening or clamping objects together or into position.
3. A narrow band formed into a loop for grasping with the hand.
4. A razor strop.
5. A strip of leather used in flogging.
1. To fasten or secure with a strap.
2. To beat with a strap.
3. To sharpen (a razor, for example).
1. Indifferent to correctness, accuracy, or neatness:
careless, messy, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, untidy.
2. Characterized by unthinking boldness and haste:
brash, foolhardy, harum-scarum, hasty, headlong, hotheaded, ill-considered, impetuous, improvident, impulsive, incautious, madcap, precipitant, precipitate, rash1, reckless, temerarious, unconsidered.